Kc 16
From: Jim Anderson
Message: 2824
Date: 2010-04-21
[Kaccāyanabyākaraṇaṃ, Sandhikappo, Dutiyakaṇḍo, Sutta 16]
16. 18. Pubbo ca (35).
Pubbo ca saro parasaralope kate kvaci dīghaṃ pappoti.
When the following vowel has been elided, the previous vowel sometimes
becomes long.
Kiṃ sū 'dha vittaṃ purisassa seṭṭhaṃ (Khu. i, 306), sādhū ti
paṭissuṇitvā (DhA. i, 30).
kiṃsūdha: kiṃsu idha; kiṃs u idha (10); kiṃs u dha (13); kiṃs ū dha
(16); kiṃsūdha (11).
sādhūti: sādhu iti; sādh u iti (10); sādh u ti (13); sādh ū ti (16);
sādhūti (11).
Kvacī ti kasmā? Iti 'ssa muhuttam pi (Vin. ī, 196).
Why say ‘sometimes’? To prevent the operation of this rule in the
following: Iti 'ssa muhuttam pi.
Counter Examples:
Itissa: iti assa; it i assa (10); it i ssa (13); itissa (11).
-- translation and notes by Ven. U Nandisena, 2004
-- posted (with some minor editing) by Jim Anderson, 21 April 2010
(first quarter moon)