Kc 13

From: Jim Anderson
Message: 2821
Date: 2010-03-30

[Kaccāyanabyākaraṇaṃ, Sandhikappo, Dutiyakaṇḍo, Sutta 13]

13. 15. Vā paro asarūpā.

Saramhā asarūpā paro saro lopaṃ pappoti vā.

The vowel after a dissimilar vowel comes to elision optionally.

[* 'Dissimilar' means dissimilar in the place of articulation. E. g. 'a' and
'ā' are said to be 'similar' because they are pronounced at 'kaṇṭha' the
throat; 'i' and 'ī' are similar being pronounced at the soft palate with the
middle of the tongue in proximity with the palate, and so on. But 'a' and
'i' are said to be dissimilar because they are pronounced at different
places of articulation.]

Cattāro 'me bhikkhave dhammā (A. i, 311), kinnu 'mā 'va samaṇiyo (Vin. īi,


1. Cattārome: cattāro ime; cattār o ime (10); cattār o me (13); cattārome

2. Kinnumāva: kinnu imāva; kinn u imāva (10); kinn u māva (13); kinnumāva

Vā ti kasmā? Pañc' indriyāni (Abhi. īi, 1), tay' assu dhammā jahitā bhavanti
(Khu. i, 6).

Why say 'optionally'? To prevent elision of the following vowel in the
following: pañcindriyāni; tayassu dhammā jahitā bhavanti, although they fall
in the scope of this Sutta.

Counter examples:

1. Pañcindriyāni: In order to form this word, first the word must be written
down as 'pañca indriyāni'. Then by §10 the consonant (here conjunct
consonant) 'ñc' is separated from the vowel 'a', and is put on the left
(pañc a indriyāni); although 'i' could be elided by §13 it is not done here
because the Sutta says 'optionally'; then the 'a' is elided by §12 because
of the following vowel 'i' (pañc indriyāni); now the consonant 'ñc' is
carried to (combined with) the following 'i' by §11. The word
'pañcindriyāni' is finished.

2. Tayassu dhammā: Sequence; tayo assu dhammā; tay o assu dhammā (10);
although 'a' could be elided by §13 it is not done because the Sutta says
'optionally'; then the 'o' should be elided by §12 (tay assu dhammā);
tayassu dhammā (11).

-- translation and notes by Ven. U Nandisena, 2004

-- posted (with some minor editing) by Jim Anderson, 30 March 2010 (full
Notes (ja):
     1) This sutta is also a lopavidhisutta as with the previous sutta (Kc
     2) In the following procedure: "Cattārome: cattāro ime; cattār o ime
(10); cattār o me (13); cattārome (11).", only the 'r' is carried or brought
to the 'o'. Kc 11 doesn't allow for the 'm' to be brought in a leftward
direction to the 'o'. It is unclear why it is necessary to separate the
'r' from 'o' when no elision of 'o' will take place. I believe this question
is addressed in the ṭīkās on Mmd.

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