S I 202: Piya"nkarasutta
From: Jim Anderson
Message: 2555
Date: 2009-03-12
The Piya"nkarasutta (S I 202) in the Yakkhasa.myutta contains 2 occurences
of the word "dhammapadaani" (pl.) and 1 of "dhammapada.m" (sg.). In summary,
the Ven. Anuruddha rises at dawn and utters dhammapadas. A mother yakkhinii
quietens her son, Piya"nkara, with two verses beginning with "Don't make a
sound, Piya"nkara, the bhikkhu is uttering dhammapadas...". Here are the
a.t.thakathaa and .tiikaa comments on "dhammapadaani":
Spk I 309: Dhammapadaaniiti idha paa.tiyekka.m sa"ngaha.m aaru.lhaa
chabbiisativaggaa tanti adhippetaa.
Spk-p.t 1.312 (Be): Paa.tiyekkanti sa"ngiitikaale visu.m. Yamakavaggaadikaa
braahma.navaggapariyosaanaa chabbiisati vaggaa etissaati chabbiisativaggaa,
tantiiti paa.li.
So, according to these comments, Ven. Anuruddha is uttering the 26 chapters
of the second book of the Khuddakanikaaya.
Best wishes,