Re: Trans. & Philosophy of SN-1:18:5 [Ko.t.thita Sutta]

From: Jim Anderson
Message: 2442
Date: 2008-08-24


The PTS reference of S IV 162-5 is most likely the sutta in question. It is
the fifth sutta in the third vagga of the fourth 50 in the
Saa,laayatanasa.myutta (#35) in the fourth volume. This position could also
be indicated by SN 35:18:5 or 35:4:3:5. The PTS text has the sutta
numbered as 191.

I have been taking a look at this sutta.

Best wishes,

> J.A.,
> > I'm puzzled by your reference to the sutta as SN 1:18:5
> The S.N. is the worst part of the canon for numeric references; this
> was the section number as stated in the BJT digital edition (as in the
> .PDF of the SN available on my website for download, generated from
> the data created by Mettavihari's project in Sri Lanka) --and yes,
> there ARE multiple suttas with the same title in the S.N.

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