E.J. Brill takes on Indo-European Etymology, Asian fonts (no, I'm not kidding)

From: Eisel Mazard
Message: 2435
Date: 2008-08-14

(1) [If they're going to press with Proto-Nostratic, can a Pali
etymological project be far behind?]

The Leiden Indo-European Etymological Dictionary series publishes the
results of a major Leiden University project identifying and
describing the common lexical heritage of the Indo-European languages.
Under the supervision of Alexander Lubotsky and Robert Beekes, an
international team of historical linguists has for more than a decade
researched, collected and integrated a growing corpus of linguistic
data into one large database of the common Indo-European vocabulary.
The data is published in a series of etymological dictionaries and
will be concluded by the publication of a large Indo-European
Etymological Dictionary, deemed as a successor of Julius Pokorny's
standard work published in 1959. An accompanying website, which
contains the research database of the project, is currently available
at www.ieed.nl. In the near future, an online database, containing the
full integrated and updated information, will be made available
through Brill.

This product consists of the following titles
7. Etymological Dictionary of Latin
Michiel de Vaan

6. Reconstructing Proto-Nostratic
Allan R. Bomhard

5. Etymological Dictionary of the Hittite Inherited Lexicon
Alwin Kloekhorst

4. Etymological Dictionary of the Slavic Inherited Lexicon
Rick Derksen

3. The Origin of the Indo-Iranians
Elena E. Kuz'mina. Edited by J.P. Mallory

2. Etymological Dictionary of the Iranian Verb
Johnny Cheung

1. Old Frisian Etymological Dictionary
Dirk Boutkan and Sjoerd Michiel Siebinga

(2.) Ancient, academic publisher E.J. Brill is trying to recapture its
18th century reputation for being at the forefront of typography in
Asian languages.

They've rather lost that reputation in recent decades, IMO.

Their proof-of-passion for catching up with the world of Unicode
typography, especially for languages other than English, is stated



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