Re: Ariyaka Pali Manuscripts, missives, etc.

From: Jim Anderson
Message: 2417
Date: 2008-05-26

Dear Mark,

You could try getting a new Yahoo ID. Go to the Palistudy Yahoogroups
home page and click on "Sign In". This will take you to another page. Look
for "Don't have a Yahoo ID?" and click on "Sign Up". You will then need to
add on your Yahoo ID as a second address. If you have trouble with this
part, I can send you further instructions offlist. Alternatively, I'd be
glad to send you a copy of Susi's file that was recently uploaded if that's
all you want.

Best wishes,

> Jim,
> I seem to have forgotten my Yahoo ID & password, if I ever had one. Can
> you direct me?
> Regards
> Mark

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