Suphaphan: File uploaded!

From: Susanne Goetz
Message: 2415
Date: 2008-05-25

> There was no file attached to the message.
> E.M.

Dear Eisel,

there CAN be no file attached to yahoogroup messages. So I have uploaded it on the yahoogroup's website, at the same time creating an automatic message announcing that I have uploaded the file... (in case anybody else  is interested in it). It's in the folder "S.Goetz", if I remember correctly.

Here a brief summary of the table of contents of Suphaphan's book:

1. CHRONICLES (Th. charuek)

2. LEGENDS (Th. tamnan) and ANNALS/CHRONICLES (Th. phongsawadan)

3.1 From the time of King Borommakot (reign 1733-58), sent to Lanka
3.2 From the Rattanakosin-Era (reign Rama III: 9 letters, reign Rama IV: 12 letters): 13 letters sent to Lanka, 7 to Burma, 1 to Cambodia

4. ANNOUNCEMENTS (Th. prakat)

Chapter 3 might be what you are interested in. Yes, the book is in Thai.

Best regards

Susi Goetz
Room A-309
Chayathip Mansion
72/1 T. Sanam Chan
A. Mueang, C. Nakhon Pathom
73000 Thailand
Tel. +66-34-254099#1309
Handy +66-83-3176477

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