Re: Ariyaka Pali Manuscripts, missives, etc.
From: Susanne Goetz
Message: 2413
Date: 2008-05-24
Re: Ariyaka Pali Manuscripts, missives, etc.
From: Susanne Goetz
Message: 2413
Date: 2008-05-24
Dear Eisel,
I have just posted a pdf file with my notes (partly in German, but most of it in Thai) about the content of Suphaphan Na Bangchang's book on "Pali made in Thailand". A lot of official letters are mentioned.
Probably you know the book already, but just in case it might be useful to have an overview of the content of the book, here are my personal notes on it.
PS: I deleted the WORD-file in order to avoid trouble with the fonts.
Susi Goetz
Room A-309
Chayathip Mansion
72/1 T. Sanam Chan
A. Mueang, C. Nakhon Pathom
73000 Thailand
Tel. +66-34-254099#1309
Handy +66-83-3176477
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