words ending in guu, once more

From: Ole Holten Pind
Message: 2359
Date: 2008-03-04

Dear Jim and Eisel,

Words ending in -guu or ~nuu and the like are difficult to explain without
intrepreting them with the background of Indoeuropean (IE)reconstruction
attempts. The problem is that -guu or ga, and ~nuu or ~na are not explicable
without some basic phonological assumptions of IE reconstruction. In any
case, the ending -uu is not easily interpretable as derived from -gam, but
rather from the root -gaa. The only question is how to explain the ending
-uu. I have suggested an interpretation, but the necessary discussion about
how to interpret these forms have not yet entered modern Sanskrit
etymological dictionaries. The same type of forms as those found in Pali are
recorded in Sanskrit, which is important.

Best wishes,
Ole Pind

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