Re: compounds in -guu
From: Jim Anderson
Message: 2347
Date: 2008-02-16
Dear Ole,
<< In the case of -guu we are in all likelihood dealing with a form of the
root gaa, etymologically derived from ge + a consonantal phoneme (a
so-called laryngeal) followed by a labial appendix like w. >>
By "the root gaa" are you referring to a Pali/Sanskrit root or perhaps some
(proto-)IE root? In Paa.nini's Dhaatupaa.tha.h there is listed "gaa stutau"
(juhotyaadi class) and in Aggava.msa's Dhaatumaalaa there is "109 gaa
gatiya.m". For "ge", Aggava.msa has "91 ge sadde" which corresponds to the
Sanskrit root "gai "sabde". The Pali grammarians derive "-guu" from the root
"gam". See, for instance, Kacc 536 (paaraadigamimhaa ruu). The "r" of the
suffix "ruu" is an indicatory letter that is dropped and Kacc 541 explains
how gam + uu becomes guu.
Best wishes,
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