O.H. Pind's paper on Buddhaghosa uploaded

From: Jim Anderson
Message: 2308
Date: 2007-11-21

Dear Members,

About a month ago, Ole sent me an old academic paper he had written in 1991
while giving some lectures in Japan. It was subsequently published in a
Japanese journal. Ole noticed some infelicities in the paper and asked me to
proof-read it for him before uploading. The paper has now been proof-read
(twice), revised, and uploaded. You can download it from the files section

http://groups.yahoo.com/group/palistudy/files/ (in the O.H. Pind folder)

You will need to login in with a Yahoo username and password. Alternatively,
you can download it directly by clicking on this link:

http://ca.geocities.com/palistudy/Buddhaghosa-works.rtf (54 KB)

The title of the paper is: Buddhaghosa---His Works and Scholarly Background.
Here's an excerpt describing what the paper is about:

"In the following, I shall deal with the problems of authorship of the works
that go under Buddhaghosa's name, and the question of the origin of
Buddhaghosa's a.t.thakathaas. I shall also present an example of his
grammatical analyses of the Paali. These analyses are extremely interesting
in that they serve to underline a fact which is as remarkable as it is true,
namely, that canonical Paali in many respects stands closer to the Sanskrit
idiom which Paa.nini's grammar presupposes-the Paa.ninian bhaa?aa-than
post-Paa.nini Sanskrit literature. Finally, I shall give a surprising
example of the scope of Buddhaghosa's scholarly orientation. Dealing with
music and the nature of the Indian scale, he quotes a Paali verse which
clearly he must have translated from Sanskrit into Paali because we find an
almost identical Sanskrit version in the Pa~ncatantra. The verse apparently
stems from Giitaala"nkaara attributed to Bharata."

The paper is in unicode and uses the Gandhari Unicode font but you can
change it to another compatible font if desired. Please feel free to comment
on or ask questions about the paper at anytime, now or later.

Best wishes,

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