Kacc 1-2-9 revisited! ("Do dhassa ca")
From: Eisel Mazard
Message: 2279
Date: 2007-11-12
To redeem myself after at least one (head-cold inspired) stupid
comment on verse 1-1-10, here's a new observation on the other "hotly
contested" verse, 1-2-9.
Apidahati = api + dhaa
Thus, indeed, "do dhassa ca" --viz., a de-aspirated "da" serves as a
substitute for "dhaa".
Thus, it seems to me the rule may be true in some sense, if applied in
a way that is radically unrelated to its current context --and
certainly unrelated to the current example provided for it (idha.m +
eva, already excoriated in Dr. Pind's article, section 40).