SV: Dhammananda Kosambi
From: Ole Holten Pind
Message: 2245
Date: 2007-09-24
Dear bhikkhu Dhammanando,
Perhaps you would do me the favor of passing on my question to someone, who
might have the requested information.
With many thanks and best wishes,
Ole Pind
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af Dhammanando Bhikkhu
Sendt: 24. september 2007 12:19
Emne: [palistudy] Re: Dhammananda Kosambi
Dear Ole,
On 24 Sep 2007, at 03:06, Ole Holten Pind wrote:
> My question is, have you got any information about Kosambi´s work on
> the revision, and why it was published as late as 1950, many years
> after it apparently was completed?
Sorry, but I'm afraid I don't know anything at all about the man or his
work, other than what I've read in Bhikkhu Bodhi's Abhidhammatthasangaha
translation and this Thai article.
Best wishes,
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