Re: Milindapañha or Milindapañhaa
From: Jim Anderson
Message: 2199
Date: 2007-09-02
Dear Bh. Nyanatusita,
I think the title "Kaccaayanasutta.m" shares the same problem with
"Milindapa~nho" in that "-sutta.m" is collectively referring to all the 673
or so suttas without any commentary. The Saddaniiti has a rule showing four
uses of the singular to express many things -- the first being for
collective nouns like "sa"ngho", the second for class (jaati) nouns like
"sasso" (corn), the third for words like "Saavatthii" in the sense of "the
inhabitants of Saavatthii", the fourth for expressing the characteristic of
oneness or a unity ( in compounds such as kusalaakusala.m"
and "". See Sd 668 Samudaaya-jaati-nissay'-ekattalakkha.nesv
ekavacana.m. I'm not sure where our two titles would fit in, if at all.
Best wshes,
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