SV: Kacc 271 (Sutt-nidd)
From: Ole Holten Pind
Message: 2163
Date: 2007-05-27
Dear Jim,
Fra: [] På vegne
af Jim Anderson
Sendt: 26. maj 2007 18:53
Emne: [palistudy] Kacc 271 (Sutt-nidd)
< I understand "vibhatyantapada-" to refer to words that are
inflected (verbs and nouns) and should not include particles (nipaatas) such
as "vaa".
I agree, pada "syntactical" word is defined by Paa.nini as sup-ti.nantam, so
this is a non-standard usage. vaa is certainly not a pada.
Mukhamattadiipanii counts the padas included in every single sutta in the
same way, defining particles like navaa at Kacc 21 as padas.
Best wishes,
Ole Holten Pind
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