Re: Birch-barch MS (1st century) & Kacc

From: Jim Anderson
Message: 2127
Date: 2007-05-07

Hi Eisel,

Thanks for the article on the Birch Bark MS which I will read later. Glad to
hear of your rapid progress on Kacc. I look forward to seeing your edition
once it is published.

As for myself, progress in being able to read Kaccaayana's grammar remains
painfully slow and hard work, probably due to my go-slow approach and dull
wit. I hope to have the whole grammar memorized some day though. That's my
ideal. So far, I have all 51 suttas of the Sandhisutta fairly well memorized
which I try to recite on a daily basis. I also have the first ka.n.da of the
Kaccaayanavutti memorized. Once memorized I think one could recite the
entire Kaccaayanasutta (about 675 suttas without the vutti) in one hour.

I'm also just getting started studying the Kaarakakappa as I feel that my
understanding of Pali syntax is still very weak and in need of much
improvement. I'm thinking of introducing a few of these suttas on syntax for
group study and discussion a little later on. I found Kacc 271 easy but the
next one (272) is quite difficult to comprehend--the first example
"buddhasmaa paraajenti a~n~natitthiyaa" makes no syntactical sense at all.

Best wishes,

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