Re: Pali Grammatica (for a change)
From: Miyamoto Tadao
Message: 1633
Date: 2006-01-09
Hi E. M.
Thank you very much for your facinating report from Sri Lanka.
Please keep exploring your exploration of Pali work.
--- Eisel Mazard <Parajanaka@...> からのメッセージ:
> A few recent finds in Sri Lanka,
> 1. In an article on grammatica (in an old issue of _The Maha Bodhi_),
> B.C. Law mentions a work called "Nepatikava.n.nanaa" --reportedly a
> text on indeclinable particles. I do not know it, but it would
> doubtless be very useful, as the indeclinables are given scant
> treatment in most other classical sources (this has been discussed
> before on the list).
> 2. In the same article, B.C. Law mentions (without full publication
> details) _A Grammar of the Pali Language (after Kaccayana)_ by "Mr.
> Tha Do Oung". This work spans four volumes (!) and apparently covers
> Pali grammar by providing a systematic exegesis of Kacc., chapter by
> chapter. This would be highly relevant to my current work; if anyone
> know of this book, or has seen it, or has the opportunity to look it
> up in a university library, please do so and report back to the list
> as to the publication details --and as to the general quality of the
> book. B.C. Law praises it highly.
> 3. Whereas I previously mentioned my discovery of the "Suuci" genre in
> general, the particular work that caught my attention (and seems to be
> a compendious resource, in several large volumes) is the following:
> _A.t.thakaasuuci_, [No stated Author?], M.D. Gunasena [Publishers],
> Colombo, 1969
> I looked at it only very briefly, but it seemed to be very nearly the
> "Pali-pali dictionary" that Jim Anderson had envisioned might be
> distilled from the commentaries.
> 4. I don't know if I've mentioned this already, but Nyanatusita and I
> happened upon an old, worm-eaten copy of the Baalaavataaro (with
> missing pages) in the library of the BPS. The remarkable thing about
> this is that most specialists assume that the Bv. has never been
> translated into English; this is now the second complete English
> translation that I have "discovered" (the other being Vidyabhusana et.
> al., previously described in this forum), and apparently each
> translation was conducted in ignorance of the other, in about the same
> era. It would be short work for a scholar to compare the two
> translations, improve upon them, and put out a reasonable text. In
> any case, this is a fully romanized edition, with translation, in one
> small volume, cited as follows:
> _Baalaavataaro Pali Grammar_, Dhammakiti Sang-gha [sic.] Thero, &
> revised by F.L. Woodward, Pegu Times Press [In Burma? Or was this a
> Burmese owned press in Sri Lanka? The edition seems very Sinhalese in
> every detail, incl. the introduction, dedication, etc.], [No Date?]
> I also note that according to P. Skilling (JPTS XXVII, 2002, p.
> 160-1), the date of the oldest Pali inscription in Cambodia has now
> been moved back with the discovery of a 7th/8th century brick bearing
> the familiar _Ye Dhammaa..._ verses. This was the first that I had
> heard/read of the discovery --the artefact is much older than what had
> previously been known as the oldest Pali inscription in ancient
> Cambodia.
> E.M.
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