Re: Inscription Kuru
From: L.S. Cousins
Message: 1501
Date: 2005-11-20
Dear Nina,
There is a version of Minor Rock Edict I at Bahapur near Delhi 'on a
small rocky outcrop amidst modern housing development'.
If this is the one you mean, slightly differing versions of it are
found in at least 17 places. It refers to his having been a lay
disciple for more than two and a half years. Some versions give the
actual name Asoka (as opposed to Piyadassin) and the number of days
he spent on tour.
>Dear Jim and friends,
>Jim, you helped me before to understand the inscription on the Asoka Pillar
>in Lumbini.
>I would be very grateful to know more about the Asoka stone in
>Kammassadhamma, in Kuru, that is near New Delhi. We inquired here and there
>but could not find out the meaning of the text.
>This the place where the Buddha preached the Satipatthaanasutta. Today it
>has been cleaned up, fenced in and trees have been planted, thanks to a
>friend, ex foreign secretary of India and the Department of Archeological
>The inscription is worn out but still readable, but difficult for us to
>photograph. It is not so well known and it may not be included in books.
>A monk who has passed away now took us there for the fisrt time and read the
>text aloud.
>I would be grateful for any info.