Re: odd word of the day
From: Jim Anderson
Message: 1454
Date: 2005-11-01
Dear Ole,
<< Buddhaghosa's analysis is evidently correct and it signals a very
important factor in language development, that of elision of syllables
for the sake of economy, when a particular lexeme has no competion
from other words. In the present case the syllable /na/ was elided. >>
I believe Aggava.msa has a rule that would account for the elision of
/na/ in 'panna-lomo'. This is Sd 160: sutte sukhuccaara.nattham
akkharalopo vipariitataa ca. Some examples given for 'akkharalopo'
are: dva.t.thi for dvaasat.t.hi, abhi~n~naa for abhi~n~naaya. I take
it that your 'for the sake of economy' relates to
'sukhuccaara.nattha.m' (for the sake of pronouncing with ease).
Getting back to 'patissa', I see that the pair 'pa.tissayo pa.tissaa'
is given on p. 922,13 in the Saddaniiti as an example of va.n.nabheda
or l'alternance phonetique (en general) 1.1.2 (p. 1106).
Best wishes,
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