Re: about dvandato, etc.
From: Jim Anderson
Message: 1147
Date: 2005-05-04
Dear Ven. Pandita,
Thanks for the clarification.
> >dvandato pubbe suyyamaano itisaddo pacceka.m yojetabboti aaha "iti
bhavo iti abhavo"ti. Sv-abhinava.t I.368 ad Sv I.91 (on
> >
> >If we take -bhavaabhava- as a dvanda, then the word 'iti' being
heard before the dvanda is joined to each member of the dvanda. I'm
doubtful that 'dvandato' here is in the ablative since the 'iti' comes
before, not after. It might work if we take 'dvandato pubbe as
'earlier than the dvanda' but I'm not sure about this.
> >
> No. It should be taken as ablative; see:
> Pubbayoge - pubbeva sammodhaa iccevamaadi.(Kaccaayanavutti - 275)
"sammodhaa" should read "sambodhaa". The error is in the CSCD version
of Kc which contains numerous other typos as well. My Burmese printed
paperback ed. of Kc shows "sambodhaa" and a word search on the CSCD
shows that it's in common use with "pubbeva".
> Here we should clear it up again. Ablative case related to "pubba"
> defined by actual usage while ablative case indicating that
> coming after it should be dealt with is a paribhaasaa --- a
> convention in classic grammars used chiefly in forming suttas, and
> other technical explanations.
I'm familiar with the term "paribhaasaa". According to the
Suttaniddesa, the suttas are categorized into four types: sa~n~naa
(definition), adhikaara (governing rule), paribhaasaa (key to
interpretation), and vidhi (statement of a general rule). In Vasu's
translation of Paa.nini's grammar, two additional categories are
given: niyama (restrictive rule) and atide"sa (extended application by
analogy) --Vol. 1, p. 1.
Best wishes,