Re: Reply to navako
From: Ven. Pandita
Message: 1057
Date: 2005-02-10
Dear Ong Teng Kee
Thanks for some interesting things from your message. And I would like
to comment on them.
>The thing about kaccayana is a guy must use all nissaya of burmese edition of it rather than only using eng or french texts.
I agree with this statement. Kaccaayana Bhaasaa.tiikaa, a nissaya with
extensive footnotes, was published in Burma after the second World War.
I think it is the best explanation of Kaccaayana, together with its
Sanskrit sources and commentaries. You would have to know Burmese to
read it, of course.
>Mahanirutti kept in Japan wil be even better if you print it out.
Is it the text that Saddaniiti refers to in some places? We think that
it is already lost. A printed version would be most welcome. How about
Cuu.lanirutti? Is that text also available somewhere in manuscript form?
>I can't forgive filizot who had found saddaniti tika but doesn't produce an edition of it.
I think Saddaniiti .Tiikaa is a Burmese work produced in the earlier
part of 18th century. A Burmese monastery in Mandalay, Upper Burma has a
manuscript of it. However, it hasn't been printed in Burma because it is
in fact a translation of the Saddaniiti Burmese nissaya back to Pali.
Hence not very useful for Burmese scholars but may prove invaluable for
other lands.
with metta
Ven. Pandita