Vis. text and word derivations.
From: Nina van Gorkom
Message: 596
Date: 2002-10-16
Dear Jim and Rob,
Rob quoted for dsg a text from Vis:
567 VRI Su~n~natekavidhaadiihiiti-ettha su~n~nato taava
hi sabbaaneva saccaani vedakakaarakanibbutagamakaabhaavato
su~n~naaniiti veditabbaani. Teneta.m vuccati–
"Dukkhameva hi, na koci dukkhito;
kaarako na, kiriyaava vijjati;
atthi nibbuti, na nibbuto pumaa;
maggamatthi, gamako na vijjatii"ti.
Translation from nanamoli xvi 90
...As to void, single fold and so on: firstly, as to void: in the
ultimate sense all the truths should be understood as void because
of the absence of any experiencer, any doer, anyone who is
extinguished and any goer. hence this is said:
For there is suffering, but none who suffers;
Doing exists although there is no doer;
Extinction is but no extinguished person;
Although there is a path there is no goer'""
N: Question: what kind of compound is: vedakakaarakanibbutagamakaabhaavato
It is interesting.
Qu 2: I expected another negation here, after kiriyavaa: kaarako na,
kiriyaava vijjati;
Q. 3: pumaa, pumo is man, why pumaa, is it another word, a sandhi?
Another matter: word derivations. We try so hard to find the meaning, for
example, of apilaapana, not floating away. I have read that some linguists
sometimes frown on Buddhaghosa's word derivations. Is there a discrepancy
between ideas of that time and of our time? But this would not bother me,
because his ideas were to make the meaning of the teachings clearer, not
linguistics. Therefore, I wonder whether we may go too far in finding the
derivation of a word when it is difficult to find. In many instances
derivations really help, they are good, also with regard to linguistics, but
should we not think of the goal in the first place? To me there are limits
to the usefulness of word derivations, or am I wrong here? I think also of
the word associations or, as it is said, word play, of Buddhaghosa. I think
he just had in mind to convey the real meaning of the teachings. Am I
correct here or is it that people are in this time unable to find the
derivation of a certain word and put the blame on Buddhaghosa?