Re: Your Treatments
From: miyamoto@...
Message: 501
Date: 2002-06-15
Hi, Jim:
Nice to hear that you are responding to the Chinese treatments
(to a certain degree). Judging from your description, I am guessing
[in a conventional manner] that your impairments do not stem from
the peripheral systems. That is, both your visual and auditory organs
are intact. In many cases, hearing impariments are caused by an impaired
cochlea, which functions as a FFT (Fast Fourier Transformer),
decoding complex waveforms into simple (sine) waveforms. One end of
the cochlea is sensitiv to the lowerest frequency and the other end
the highestfrequency of decoded waveform (and the rest the in-between
frequencies). As you may know that the cochilia is filled with two
types of fluids being separted by so-called basilasr membrance,
to which hair (nerve) cells are attached. Many patients with hearing
impairments sucessfuly receive cochlea implants. (In fact, it is not
an implant of the entire cochlea, but a (re-)wiring of auditory channels
inside the organ.) In your case, the problem seems to be beyond the area
of hair cells. My guess is that your Chinese doctor is trying to stimulate
the limbic system, which contains such cerebral organs as thalamus,
which seems to be regarded as the primary recepter of sensary (including both
visual and auditory) stimuli. At any rate, I think, it is quite normal to
improve one's hearing in a selective manner (in auditory freuquency).
Good luck with your further treatments, and please remind yourself of "kantiyo
paramag na vijjati".
Take care, tadao