Declension and Conjugation Tables
From: mlnease@...
Message: 306
Date: 2001-08-16
Hello, All,
I don't really quite know what to do with them yet, but there are
declension and conjugation tables on-line at:
You'll have to download and install their 'Foreign1' font to display
the Pali. The display is still bizarre after that--for example,
before 'Inflection', 'µü§ÎÅܤÆ' is displayed(!) The declensions and
conjugations are there, though, in Pali and English--the
indecipherable words are, I think, the Chinese equivalents. They
don't display properly for me because I don't have their Chinese
font, but I couldn't read it anyway, so there's really no problem
except for the distracting nonsense characters.