From: Nina van Gorkom
Message: 254
Date: 2001-08-03
Dear Jim, In my translation of Khun Sujin's Cambodian Lectures, I am now
stuck with pa.tipatti, we touched on before. It is explained thus: patti:
going to, reaching, and pa.ti: specifically. When sati arises it goes
specifically to the characteristic of a paramattha dhamma that is appearing.
Patti: going or reaching, and pa.ti: towards. I looked it up in PTS dict.
pa.ti patti is used in combination with dhammanudhamma. A way, method,
practice, means of reaching a goal. Pa.tipajjati: follow a path, a method.
Is there another meaning of pa.ti, towards, is there a meaning in it of
"specific"? Or precisely towards? Thank you, Nina.