From: Piya Tan
Message: 16239
Date: 2017-09-30
>[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> Greetings,
> an acquaintance of me recommended this forum for general directions in
> learning and getting questions answered regarding the Pāli language, so I
> am hoping being allowed for the first time to posit a question here. I am a
> Buddhist monk now living in central Thailand, having started to read Pāli
> some month ago, to give you some background info.
> I am confused about the following sentence from the brahmajālasutta: "*itipetaṃ
> abhūtaṃ, itipetaṃ atacchaṃ, natthi cetaṃ amhesu, na ca panetaṃ amhesu
> saṃvijjatī".*
> Specifically I don't get at the meaning of *itipetaṃ. *The commentary
> resolves into *iti *and* petaṃ. "*Thus the departed ones are false." (?!)
> Very strange and of course not translated by any text I know of, they
> rather take it, e.g., as "for such and such reason [...]" (Bodhi, The
> All-Embracing Net of Views). I took it first as *sandhi* with an
> insertion of "p" but that such an insertion is possible I found nowhere
> supported. How would you read this passage? Thank you very much!
> Mettā
> Ninnamika