Dharma Friends,

I'm working on a contemporary commentary on the Pabbajita Abhinha Sutta (A 10.48), SD 48.9. I want to quote an interesting story about a monk in retreat who falls on emerging from his hut for his walking meditation. Undismayed he gets up and becomes more determined to be more mindful, and in due course attains arhathood.

I forget the reference. I thought it is in Samyutta, but could not find it there. Perhaps I did not look hard enough, but it's difficult not remembering the exact reference. Do you know of this Sutta? I would be most grateful if you can help me here.

With metta and mudita,


hp (65) 8211 0879

The Minding Centre
Shenton House
3 Shenton Way, #03-06 B
Singapore 068805

Meditation courses & therapy: http://themindingcentre.org
Sutta translation: http://dharmafarer.org