Dear Ven Kumara,

I'd be happy to look through the ATI Glossary and send corrections to John.
I'll send you a copy as well, in case you notice anything askew in what I send.

With metta,

From: Kumara Bhikkhu <kumara.bhikkhu@...>
Sent: Monday, 18 November 2013 8:02 PM
Subject: [Pali] Re: Some typos in the glossary

Dear friends,

As some of you may know, John Bullitt is freezing ATI soon. I've found some typos in the glossary (as email below shows). I saw some more errors (on Pali diacritics), which I didn't point out to him. He asked if I could help, but I've stuff to complete now. So, would you like to help?

Just scan through and report diacritical errors to John Bullitt <john@...>.

If you already have Pali words in Unicode added to your word processor, then the job would be easier. copy and paste the text there, and let the spellchecker identify the errors. You can turn on record/track changes and made the changes, then send the file to him.

Otherwise, just let him know in whatever way you know.

with mettâ,
Kumâra Bhikkhu

John Bullitt wrote thus at 05:08 AM 18-11-13:
Dear Venerable,

Thank you so much for catching those typos.

If you have the time and interest in doing so, I'd be delighted if you could send me a list of as many typos as you can find. Over the next few weeks I'll be applying the final round of changes to the website before it enters into its semi-retired state, so it would be great to have it in as good shape as possible.

with best wishes


On Nov 11, 2013, at 8:59 PM, Kumara Bhikkhu wrote:

In the glossary:
  • Obsesssion
  • ekagattarammana (It should be ekaggata...)
  • sammati (I think you mean sammuti, but maybe sammati is accepted too)
There are many others with Pali diacritical errors. Relatively not serious, but people tend to replicate them as they have a high regard for ATI. So, you may want to run through them, or get someone to do that.
