Hey James - in case it might be of some initial use, I created a couple
of quizlet quizzes for the first two G & K chapters at
http://quizlet.com/Larry_Rosenfeld . As you suggest, the material does
seem to lend itself to rote memorization techniques. - Larry

On 10/3/2012 6:27 AM, skajames wrote:
> I've started out learning with Gair & Karaunatillake's *A New Course
> in Reading Pali". It seems obvious that one is supposed to learn all
> of the grammar in a lesson before moving on to the next. But what
> about the vocabulary, of which there seems to be an endless supply? Is
> there a list of words that recur from lesson to lesson or are so
> common as to merit learning?
> More generally, it seems probable that the book is intended for use in
> colleges and universities. Does anyone on the list know what sort of
> timing is envisioned: hours/lesson, lessons/week, weeks/course? I'm
> sure the book offers a solid foundation, but without some sort of
> guidance on timing the temptation is to rush through it too quickly or
> to creep along at a snail's pace.
> James

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