Jhana & Samadhi According to the Suttas Workshop, 7-8 JULY 2012

From: Kumara Bhikkhu
Message: 15832
Date: 2012-06-16

A 2-day Workshop on
Jhana & Samadhi
According to the Suttas

Conducted by Ayasma Kumara

7-8 July 2012
9am–5pm (Registration 8.30am)
Buddhist Gem Fellowship, PJ, Malaysia

Is jhana necessary for awakening? Some say yes, some say no. Ayasma Kumara says it depends on which kind of jhana.

With evidence based on scholarly research and practical experience, he
* reveals facts regarding jhana and samadhi that most Buddhists­including many long time meditators­are unaware of.
* also explores with the participants popular English translations of key Pali terms related to samadhi (e.g., concentration, onepointedness), and proposes English words that better convey what the Pali terms mean according to the Suttas.

Then he suggests how we can make wise judgements for our practice in the face of different and conflicting teachings and opinions on Buddhist meditation.

Suitable for ordained and lay Buddhist teachers and meditation practitioners with basic knowledge of Pali terms.


SMS Tan Chin Aik 012 955 9731 / Ooi Chin Chye 012 311 8094
J&S <name> <gender> <email>

EMAIL bgf.dhammaduta@...
Subject: Jhana & Samadhi
Content: <Name><Gender><Mobile Number>

CLOSING DATE: 7 July 2012

Enquiries: bgf.dhammaduta@...

Program Schedule
7 July
8.30am Registration
9.00am Session 1: Introduction, Icebreaker, Presentation
10.30am Break (15 min)
10.45am Session 2: Comparing Two Kinds of Jhana, Q&A
12.00pm Lunch break
1.30pm Session 3: Guided Practice, Sharing Experiences
3.00pm Break (30 min)
3.30pm Session 4: Revising English Translation for Samatha
5.00pm End of day
8 July
9.00am Session 5: Revising English Translation for Samadhi
10.30am Break (15 min)
10.45am Session 6: Revising English Translation for Ekaggata
12.00pm Lunch break
1.30pm Session 7: Revising English Translation for Jhana
3.00pm Break (30 min)
3.30pm Session 8: Summary, Conclusion, Q&A
5.00pm End of workshop

Ayasma Kumara was ordained in 1999 at the age of 27. With his training in education, he has been sharing the Dhamma in various ways and in several languages (mainly English, Mandarin and Hokkien) with Buddhists of various traditions and non-Buddhists too. Inspired by his main meditation teacher, Sayadaw U Tejaniya, Ayasma Kumara has been especially interested in spiritual teachings that show how to cultivate wisdom that removes the causes of suffering. Influenced by Ayasma Aggacitta Mahathera, he is open to Dhamma teachings beyond orthodoxy and tradition, so long as they work towards the true ending of suffering.


Kumâra Bhikkhu

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