I've published my blog in which I explore a passage from the Culamalunkya Sutta (M 63)--this is the one where the man won't be treated for his arrow wound without knowing all the details of the archer and his equipment. It was the details that caught my attention (yes, I know...)


Puzzled by the available translations I started to dissect the Pali, both mula and attakatha, and discovered a number of oddities.

Earlier I asked about the word 'sithilahanu' and it's connection with the 'stork'. My conclusion is that the connection is a fallacy perpetuated by some rather well known scholars. Sadly I think this one of word is lost to us, as is 'semhaara'. But I think I might have resurrected a couple of words from obscurity, by thinking in terms of archery instead of the metaphysics (though to be fair the main point of the sutta is metaphysical).

Following Bryan Levman's suggestion I went through the parallel Chinese text and picked out the key words for comparison, though in this case it wasn't much help since the Chinese appear largely to have substituted familiar materials for the unfamiliar Indian ones. I've included all my notes on comparisons with the Pali terminology, for anyone who might be interested.
