A revised version of a previous paper uploaded

From: ashinpan
Message: 15818
Date: 2012-05-19

Dear members,

I have uploaded a radically revised version of my previously uploaded draft entitled "Buddhism as an ideology of social reform."

Actually, the previous version is of a talk that I gave, in the last March, at the Department of Pali and Buddhist Studies, University of Pune, India. When I checked it for revision, I found that almost half of its materials is already in "If Intention is karma ...", a paper of mine already published this year in the Journal of Buddhist Ethics. As I don't wish to be guilty of "paper-splitting" (a notorious practice in academia to raise the count of publications by splitting a paper into two or three ones with a lot of reduplicated content), I have got to remove such reduplicated materials and, as a result, end up with a paper with a new title and a changed and much narrower focus. So I think it deserves a new filename as well ("correct.pdf") instead of being the second version of a previously uploaded paper. As usual, it is in the Ven. Pandita folder in the Files section.

The abstract of the paper is: "In this paper, I look at two related issues in Vinaya: (1) the requirement of parental consent for all candidates wishing to join the Order, (2) the additional requirement of spousal consent for female candidates but no such a requirement for male candidates, and I try to prove that all these regulations stemmed from the same principle."

All feedback is heartily welcome.

with metta,

Ven. Pandita

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