Seeking help with Dail Buddha Vacana Citations for DPR
From: bkhpali Message: 15816 Date: 2012-05-12
Dear Friends,
As some of you may know, the Digital Pali
Reader( <> )
has featured daily English passages for some time. Recently those
passages were updated with citations included. I have been working on
finding the permalinks for each passage to allow students to click on
the citation and be taken directly to the Pali.
I'm a bit stumped, though, by some of them. I don't have much experience
with post-canonical work which is where several come from. I have set up
questions on the DPR Q&A forum listing the passage I can't find. Some I
suspect have errors in the citations.
Ideally, you could join the Q&A forum and post answers there. Otherwise
you could just reply to the group or to me individually. I will update
the pages linked to above as soon as answers come in. If you are using
the DPR you can get the permalink by clicking on the diamond at the
start of the first paragraph (if you have wheels instead, your DPR is
very out of date) Otherwise if you give me the Pali that corresponds to
the English I should be able to look it up. Be sure to start at exactly
the beginning of the passage, though.
Thanks for your help!
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