From: frank
Message: 15718
Date: 2011-12-27
On 12/25/2011 3:35 PM, Piya Tan wrote:
> Dear Frank,
> I highly encourage Piya with his Sutta Discovery series and others to
>> use standard unicode pali, so your electronic publications can be
>> effortlessly ported to various devices.
>> What about security? If we use Unicode and the file is converted into
> .mobi etc, can the file be altered by others as in MS Word?
> With metta,
> Piya
>> On 12/19/2011 4:07 AM, stefan_karpik wrote:
>>> Dear Bryan, Frank and others interested in e-readers,
>>> These posts made me think about upgrading my Kindle 3 to a Kindle
>>> Touch, but I think I would still have the same problems after an
>>> upgrade:
>>> 1. Neither reads ePub documents. This means the offerings of
>>> Theravada Tripitaka Press can't be read on Kindle.
>>> 2. PDFs often cannot be enlarged sufficiently to read them. 3. PDFs
>>> can be converted into Kindle format by Amazon quite efficiently and
>>> for free, but diacritics, even in a Unicode font like Times Roman
>>> Extended, come out as gobbledegook and tables are jumbled up. 4. PDFs
>>> of scans cannot be converted to Kindle format
>>> 5. New fonts to handle diacritics cannot be introduced.
>>> Is this true for the Kindle Touch?
>>> Does anyone have a very positive experience of reading Pali on e-ink
>>> readers?
>>> I completely agree that e-ink is much easier on the eyes than a
>>> computer/ tablet/ smartphone screen.
>>> Best wishes,
>>> Stefan Karpik
>>> --- In<>, Bryan
>>> Levman<bryan.levman@...> wrote:
>>>> Dear Frank,
>>>> Thanks for your description of the Kindle Touch; it sounds well
>>>> worth
>>> the price!
>>>> Metta, Bryan
>>>> ________________________________ From: frank fcckuan@... To:
>>>><> Sent:
>>>> Thursday, December 15, 2011 11:12:06 AM Subject: Re: [Pali] Re:
>>>> JÄ taka, and low eyestrain e-ink readers
>>>> Â Dear Bryan and all, I looked at those links, there are digital
>>>> versions there you can download, including Epub and mobi! Very
>>>> cool. That means you can read
>>> it
>>>> with low eyestrain on a kindle, nook, etc. You can also get free
>>>> ebook readers for your pc that will read those two formats. I got a
>>>> "kindle touch" this month for 99$. Works very well. Visudhimagga
>>>> (.mobi version) works GREAT on there. The swipe up and swipe down
>>>> on the touch screen advances up and down through chapters, and the
>>>> hyperlinks in the table of contents work. Also, I didn't register
>>>> my kindle touch with amazon, and I leave the wireless
>>> features
>>>> turned off, so I don't get bombarded with annoying advertisements.
>>>> I highly recommend everyone take a serious look at the e-readers
>>>> (using e-ink) out there now that they're below 100$, especially
>>>> kindle touch and nook touch. The e-ink works just like a printed
>>>> book. You
>>> can
>>>> read it in full sunlight, low eye-strain, unlike computer screens
>>>> that have flourescent back lights, which makes your vision go fuzzy
>>>> and get slight headaches after a few hours of staring at it. I'm
>>>> pretty sure there's people on this list who do a lot of reading,
>>>> and if hours of
>>> it
>>>> are spent reading on a computer screen, you're going to be much
>>> happier
>>>> if you can read it on an ebook reader using e-ink instead. Note
>>>> that
>>> the
>>>> color ebook readers such as the "kindle fire" are not e-ink
>>>> readers, they are flourescent or LED backlight just like other
>>>> tablet computers or pc screens, and thus would not have the
>>>> advantage of low eyestrain e-ink such as the monochrome grayscale
>>>> "kindle touch", "nook touch", etc. I also don't recommend the entry
>>>> level "kindle" for 79$ which
>>> does
>>>> NOT have a touch screen. The button and 4 way cursor is incredibly
>>>> tedious to use. Newer ebooks published, and especially dhamma
>>>> material in ebook format will take full advantage of hyperlinks and
>>>> you want to be able to just touch the hyperlink on screen and go
>>>> there, not
>>> navigate
>>>> with a four way button cursor. The 20$ savings between "kindle
>>>> touch" and entry level kindle is not worth it.
>>>> -Frank
>>>> On 12/15/2011 3:40 AM, Bryan Levman wrote:
>>>>> Dear Piya,
>>>>> You mean the English version by Burlingame, I assume? (I believe
>>>>> the Pali is all on the Digital Pali Reader).
>>>>> I use this link for volume 2:
>> <>
>> stlegends02burluoft
>> <
>>>>> at the University of Toronto; I don't believe you can download
>>>>> it,
>>> but
>>>>> you can read it on line
>>>>> The link for volume 3 is:
>> <>
>> stlegends03burluoft
>> <
>>>>> Hopefully that works for you. If anyone has a PDF version of
>>>>> Burlingame, please let the group know,
>>>>> Metta,
>>>>> Bryan
>>>>> ________________________________ From: Piya Tan dharmafarer@...
>>>>> <>> To:
>>>>> <> <>
>>>>> Sent: Wednesday, December 14, 2011 11:11:00 PM Subject: Re:
>>>>> [Pali] Re: JÄ taka
>>>>> Dharma Friends,
>>>>> I have Dhammapadatthakatha (Dh Commentary in Pali) vol 1. Does
>>> anyone have
>>>>> the rest or know where i can download them?
>>>>> With metta,
>>>>> Piya
>>>>> On Tue, Dec 6, 2011 at 7:13 PM, Bryan Levman bryan.levman@...
>>>>> <>> wrote:
>>>>>> **
>>>>>> Dear Friends,
>>>>>> Does anyone know if the seven Fausboll JÄ taka volumes are
>>> available on
>>>>>> line with the prose and commentary? Most of the canons that I
>>>>>> have consulted seems to only have the JÄ taka verses. Thanks
>>>>>> for
>>> your help,
>>>>>> Metta, Bryan
>>>>>> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
>>>>> -- *hp (65) 8211 0879*
>>>>> *The Minding Centre* 170 Upper Bukit Timah Road #11-04 Bukit
>>>>> Timah Shopping Centre Singapore 588179
>>>>> Meditation courses& therapy: Sutta
>>>>> translation:
>>>>> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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>> e
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