From: ashinpan@...
Message: 15598
Date: 2011-10-12
> Thank you for the file. I am with you that kusala is kusala and akusalaAnyone who has been trained in Abhidhammic studies would tend to agree with
> is akusala and that these are absolute values. One cannot change kusala
> into akusala and they arise at different moments. They each have their
> own characteristic and even if we change their names, their
> characteristics are unalterable.
> It would help Collins to realize that there are so many different cittas
> each arising because of their own conditions. Abhidhamma can help us to
> have a deeper understanding of realities, including kamma and vipaaka. It
> is not theory but pertains to our life now. Then one can begin to know
> that what seems one moment of kusala that lasts is in fact many different
> moments, arising and falling away extremely rapidly. For instance what
> seems a lasting moment of metta may be moments of metta and selfish
> affection alternating so fast.
> Kamma is cetanaa cetasika, and it is kusala citta with kusala cetanaaYou are absolutely right. If we just look at the outward appearance of
> that counts. Not the outward appearance of deeds.