Nina - thank you for sharing the fruits of your insights and knowledge.
Definitely helpful. - Larry

On 9/14/2011 9:06 AM, Nina van Gorkom wrote:
> Dear Larry,
> Op 13-sep-2011, om 15:15 heeft Larry Rosenfeld het volgende geschreven:
> > "This is the wisdom of insight and of the path, capable of penetrating
> > the rise and fall of the five aggregates. Path wisdom is called
> > 'penetrative' (nibbedhikaa) because it pierces through and eradicates
> > the mass of greed, hate, and delusion; insight wisdom is called
> > penetrative because it pierces though them temporarily and because it
> > leads to penetration by the path."
> -------
> N: Very good, enjoyed reading it. It takes a long way, though. First
> the visesa have to be clearly known, naama being different
> from ruupa, knowing their characteristics as they appear one at a
> time more and more clearly, before their arising and falling away can
> be penetrated.
> ------
> Nina.
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]