Dear Nina,

thank you. On this point, I beg to differ. Again, we have to be mindful that we are looking at the commentarial literature here.

1. As we have already read, we are referring to the road travelled by Citta.

2. The commentator had given it a metaphorical description: road of the Buddhas (plural).

Yong Peng.

--- In, Nina van Gorkom wrote:

> Buddhaana.m sammukha.t.thaane pana .thitaa vaa nisinnaa vaa ito vaa etto vaa na honti, buddhaviithiyaa dviisu passesu niccalaava ti.t.thanti.
> [The people] standing or sitting at a place in the presence of the Buddhas are not here nor there [i.e. not moving], but remain as though motionless on the two sides of the road of the Buddhas. [here referring to the noble eightfold path]

N: I am inclined to take road literally here. I see it as respect to form two rows on each side of the path the Buddha will take.