Hi Nina,

Yes, I have his book but I don't think he translates the section on evam, so I've been doing that myself. Thanks for the reference to kamma in the AN's Nidaanasutta - I will look that up; the Buddhaghosa and Dhammapala commentaries are an underutilized resource  for me, I have barely touched the surface of them,

Metta, Bryan

--- On Sun, 5/15/11, Nina van Gorkom <vangorko@...> wrote:

From: Nina van Gorkom <vangorko@...>
Subject: Re: [Pali] Buddhaghosa's word definitions
To: Pali@yahoogroups.com
Received: Sunday, May 15, 2011, 6:38 PM


Dear Bryan,

Did you see Ven. Bodhi's translation of this? I find it helpful. As

to evam, I become quite curious. What kind of evam? But in all the

commentaries to the suttas many explanations are given. I am studying

now in Thai the commentary to the Anguttara Nikaaya, Book of Threes,

Niddaanasutta, all about the different kinds of kamma that bring

results. So, kamma is another word that deserves attention.


Op 15-mei-2011, om 20:03 heeft Bryan Levman het volgende geschreven:

> I've been studying some of Buddhaghosa's word definitions, like his

> explanation of "Tathaagata" and "evam" in his commentary to the

> Brahmajaalasutta (Suma"ngala Vilaasinii, 1, 027 and 59-66) and was

> wondering if anyone was aware of any other explanations he has

> given of doctrinally significant words? If you are please let me

> know.

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