new audio sutta readings (in Pali and English) are here. We need you
From: frank Message: 15329 Date: 2011-03-24
Dear Pali friends,
The audio tipitaka project is moving along nicely. Right now, we
have a team of readers (including monastics) that can record more than
60 min worth of reading per week, but we're lacking staff to support the
process of database maintenance and the biggest need at the moment is
proof listening.
If you think you can help, please check out the audio works in
progress waiting for proof listening here:
There are currently 6 suttas in there, all short, average of 4min
long each. One is read in Pali, so that's where your Pali skills come in :)
The Proof listening is much easier than you think. Even if you're
not sure you can proof listen, please visit and listen to the suttas
just for enjoyment.
The suttas that have already passed a proof listening and have been
released to the public reside on: (released suttas here, and info for volunteering in other
areas) (works in progress)
Both sites have links to our discussion forums which you can read and
post to without subscribing or joining a list.
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