Thanks for the great translations Peter! I've uploaded the attachment to
pali@..., and also placed a copy here

That page is set up as a wiki for collaborative work (googlesites style
of wiki making), so volunteers interested in expanding on Peters list
can discuss and organize in a centralized place if desired.

On 3/6/2011 6:24 AM, Peter Hauer wrote:
> Dear Frank, Stephen & other Group Members,
> Here is my ultimate version of the Pali endings (I better avoid
> calling it "final"...), in Excel format, with translations of Pali
> sample terms into German, English, and Japanese.
> Please feel free to check and revise any of my translations.
> IMHO, it would make sense to add some "real" phrases or contextual
> samples from the Pali Canon which would ease perceiving and learning
> grammar structures in a specific context. Any volunteers?
> Best regards,
> Peter

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]