What are the contents of Buddha-vacana (the teachings of Buddha) indicated in the Pali texts?
Recently I read an article, "Problem and Prospects of the Chinese Samyuktagama: Its Structure and Content" (by Choong Mun-keat). This article shows that according to the Bahubhumika of the Yogacarabhumi-sastra, Buddha-vacana should contain these nine topics:
1. Five Aggregates, 2. Sense Spheres, 3. Causal Conditions, 4. Four Nutriments, 5. Four Truths, 6. Dhatus, 7. Buddha & Sravakas, 8. Four Stations of Minfulness, etc., of the bodhipaksya-dharmas, and 9. Eight Assembles.
Although most of these topics are also the major teachings (of the Buddha) found in the Pali suttas and Abhidhammas, the Pali tradition may not have the same contents for the term, Buddha-vacana. Are there any explanations or definitions of Buddha-vacana indicated in the Pali texts?
Thank you for your advice.
Thomas Law
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