From: Larry Rosenfeld
Message: 15209
Date: 2011-01-27
On 1/25/2011 10:52 AM, sakyaputtiyo wrote:
> Dear larry,
> i hope it helps you.
> As a verb, 'assa' is either similar to 'hoti' or it is in optative.
> E.g. 378 dakkho goghaatako nisinno assa
> As either sixth or fourth:
> 375. âEUR~Atthi kaayoâEUR^(TM)ti vaa panassa sati paccupa.t.thitaa
> hoti yaavadeva ~naa.namattaaya pa.tissatimattaaya
> it is consturcted in this manner:
> 375. vaa pana âEUR~atthi (eva) kaayoâEUR^(TM) iti assa sati yaavadeva
> ~naa.namattaaya pa.tissatimattaaya paccupa.t.thitaa hoti.
> - Here, 'assa' can be both fourth and sixth. I think it should be
> sixth in this case, as constructed above. It is preferred by most of
> the learned monks. If 'assa' is considered as fourth, then 'sati' will
> be impersonal, nobody's sati. This sounds interesting, closer to
> 'anatta doctrine', and is preferred by many other scholars.
> - assa ('bhikkhuno' or 'yogino')sati: again, assa can either be 'that'
> or 'this'.
> - Note that although panassa is a sandhi word, pana actually goes with
> vaa. Many learned monks place 'vaa pana' at the front in the sense of
> 'moreover' or 'besides' 'in addition to...' or 'not only this..but
> also' - in other way, apart from the above mentioned.
> - Atthi has different meaning in different contexts. And it can be
> either avyaya or verb. It can mean 'is' or 'exists'. Here, I think it
> is 'is'.
> - 'eva' comes from the commentary.
> Good luck &
> may you be happy
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