Ven/Kind Sirs and Ladies

Following are some simple common expressions that we could learn to help
with spoken Pali. They have been translated idiomatically, not literally. If
anyone notices any mistakes, please let me know.

Aha.m tva.m puna passissaami. See you later.

Tva.m [or Bhante] ki.m naamo? What is your [or Venerable Sir's] name?

Kuto aagato Bhante? Where are you from Ven. Sir?

Aha.m ___ nagaraa/ra.t.thaa aagato. I come from ___ city/country.

Kind Regards

<> Integrating Emotion and Intellect =

Dhammadarsa [Darsa] Bhikkhu
Buddhist Monk

Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
Wang Noi




invite=1&lang=en> Always have my latest info

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