Dhammadarsa wrote thus at 13:30 04/10/2010:
>Yes, thank you for your translations. They fit with my practice too.

You're most welcome.

>I�ve heard good stories about Ven Tejaniya. Could you tell me where he is
>located or if he travels to teach?

Better for you to refer to this: http://sayadawutejaniya.org

Hope you expect him to be an arahant or anagami though. I'm pretty sure he's not. I can say he's on the right path though, and clearly have a better direct understanding of the Dhamma than most people, incl me.

Also, bear in mind that he's no scholar. The terms he uses are usually quite traditionally Theravada.

>I�m glad you included ekodibhava, the sutta term that takes the place of
>Buddhaghosa�s ekaggata. An interesting book I partly read recently was
>Richard Shankman�s �Samadhi� in which he studied Jhaana in the suttas, then
>Visuddhimagga and lastly as taught by 12 current meditation teachers. I had
>time to read the first section only. In the first section he noticed jhaana
>seemed to involve more awareness of the body and an enlivening experience,
>not a withdrawl and closing off [except from unwholesome action]. He decided
>to translate ekodibhava as you have.

My teacher, Ven Aggacitta, recently showed me that book too. I've only read the conclusion, and see that arrived at the some conclusion as I have. He has it all quite well laid out. I also like his peaceful, balanced way. A very commendable work indeed. With this, I attach the table in his conclusion, with some extras from me.


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