Thanks, Nina.

I've identified the sutta reference too: SN47.10 (modern) or SN5.3.1.10 (traditional).


Nina van Gorkom wrote thus at 20:49 28/09/2010:
>In another post you asked about the sutta referring to counteract
>depression with something uplifting. I found in the commentary
>translation 'The Way of mindfulness', co. to the
>Satipa.t.thaanasutta, under the enlightenment factor of piiti:
><Eleven things lead to the arising of the enlightenment factor of
>joy: recollection of the Buddha, recollection of the Dhamma,
>recollection of the Sangha, recollection of virtue, of liberality, of
>the shining ones [devas], and the recollection of peace [upasama],
>the avoiding of bad people, association with good people, reflection
>on the discourses inspiring confidence, and the inclination towards
>joy... Discourses which illumine the qualities of and inspire
>confidence in the Triple Gem are discourses inspiring confidence. .>
>This certainly helps. Also, when one realizes a depressed mood as
>only a conditioned mental phenomenon, not 'my depression', one will
>be inclined to give it less importance and see it only as a fleeting

Kumara Bhikkhu wrote thus at 11:57 26/09/2010:
>Dear all,
>I recall a sutta whereby the Buddha recommended something to the effect that when we're down, recall something that uplifts your mind. When that is done, you can then let go of it to resume what you were working on.
>Can anyone tell me where this sutta is?