Re: help with a short chant

From: Dhammadarsa
Message: 14937
Date: 2010-08-20

Kind Sir and all

Yes, sorry there was a typo in the original note, it should be ujbhuutesu.

The added explanation is much appreciated.

Kind Regards

<> Integrating Emotion and Intellect = Intelligence

Dhammadarsa [Darsa] Bhikkhu
Buddhist Monk

Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
Wang Noi




<> Always have my latest info

<> Want a signature like this?

From: [] On Behalf Of Bryan Levman
Sent: Monday, 16 August 2010 7:36 PM
Subject: Re: [Pali] help with a short chant

Hi Ven. Dhammadarsa,

<[Dhammadarsa] I think the Buddha is not referred to, but the residence
referred to below, i.e. the residence wards off…>
Yes, I think you're right about that

<[Dhammadarsa] I think “a home for happiness” again referring to the residence
below, as meditation and insight, mentioned below, would lead to happiness
Yes, both work but in the context attha probably means home.

<[Dhammadarsa] could it be “those upright in life”>
Does the text say ujubhuutes (which is what you have in the original note) or
ujbhuutesu; if the latter, then it's a locative plural. One would expect a
dative after the verb dadeyya (ujubhuutaana.m), but I suppose loc. would also
work. ujubhuuta just means "upright" per PED but I think it could also mean
upright in life (which is really the same thing).

Metta, Bryan

From: Dhammadarsa <dhammadaso@... <> >
To: <>
Sent: Mon, August 16, 2010 4:01:51 AM
Subject: RE: [Pali] help with a short chant

Replies interwoven below.

<> Integrating Emotion and Intellect =

Dhammadarsa [Darsa] Bhikkhu
Buddhist Monk

Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
Wang Noi




< <> &src=client_sig_212_1_card_join&invite=1&lang=en>
Always have my latest info

< <> &lang=en> Want a
signature like this?

From: <> [ <> ] On Behalf Of Bryan
Sent: Sunday, 15 August 2010 9:00 PM
To: <>
Subject: Re: [Pali] help with a short chant

Dear Ven. Dhammadarsa,

[Dhammadarsa] Kind Sir

Here is my translation of the chant. There appear to be some orthographical
problems, unless I am misreading it. Perhaps someone else can check my

[Dhammadarsa] excellent! thanks very much for your help. Just a few things
occurred to me, as below.

He [the Buddha] wards of cold and heat and predacious beasts (-hanti is 3rd
sing. -hananti is 3rd plural), [he wards off] reptiles and mosquitoes, the cold
seasons and the rains.

[Dhammadarsa] I think the Buddha is not referred to, but the residence referred
to below, i.e. the residence wards off…

Therefore terrible wind and heat that arises is destroyed
(pa.tiha~n~nati is passive). Both for the benefit of a refuge and happiness
[could also mean “a home for refuge, a home for happiness” as attha means both
“home” and “benefit”, “blessing” “advantage”],

[Dhammadarsa] I think “a home for happiness” again referring to the residence
below, as meditation and insight, mentioned below, would lead to happiness

the gift of an abode to the
Sangha is to meditate and have insight (these appear to be infinitives, not past

participles, therefore form should be jhaayitu.m and vipassitu.m – check

[Dhammadarsa] ok, the text is not with me atm

it is praised by the Buddhas. Therefore the wise man, considering his
own benefit (I assume attano is gen. and attha is the second meaning above)
should construct (kaaraye) pleasant residences, he should cause to live
(vaasaye) here (ettha) the very learned who [will] have boiled rice, drinks,
cloth and sleeping places, and with a happy mind, he should give to the upright
(ujubhuute – why ujubhuutesu?).

[Dhammadarsa] could it be “those upright in life”

They [the upright] teach him the Dharma which
removes all suffering. The person who knows this Dhamma in this world (idha)
reaches complete extinction (pari-nibbaaty), he is free from the four outflows
(an-aasavo), so it is said (‘ti).

Metta, Bryan

[Dhammadarsa] Kind Regards

From: Dhammadarsa Bhikkhu <dhammadaso@... <>
<> >
To: <> <>
Sent: Thu, August 5, 2010 4:18:21 AM
Subject: [Pali] help with a short chant

Ven/Kind Sirs and Ladies

I've just moved to a temple and they have one chant in the morning that I don't
know. I'm trying to translate it, as I don't like chanting without knowing the
meaning. This is what I've come up with, but would appreciate any

Siita'n u.nha'n pa.tihanti tato vaa.lamigaani ca
Cool and heat they ward therefore predaceous beasts too

Siri'nsape ca makase sisire caapi vu.t.thiyo
Reptiles also mosquitoes in winter also even the rainy season??

Tato vaataatapo ghoro sa~njaato pa.tiha~n~nati
Therefore wind and heat was produced he is afflicted

Lenattha~nca sukhattha~nca jhaayita'n ca vipassitu'n
?? happiness you [pl.] have and meditation and insight

Vihaaradaana'n sa'nghassa agga'n buddhehi va.n.nita'n
A residence gift for the community the highest by the Buddhas extolled

Tasmaa hi pa.n.dito poso sampassa'n atthamattano ?? [antamattano]
Therefore indeed the wise man well seeing ?? [one's own good]

Vihaare kaaraye ramme vaasayettha bahussute
In the residence praised?? charming?? should live very learned

Tesa'n anna~nca paana~nca vattha-senaasanaani ca
They this boiled rice and, drink too cloths, sleeping place too

Dadeyya ujubhuutes vippasannena cetasaa
Giving in life-upright with pure purpose

Te tassa dhamma'n desenti sabbadukkhaa-panuudana'n
They this teaching expound all suffering removes

Ya'n so dhammam-idha~n~naaya pari-nibbaatyan-aasavo'ti.
Whoever teaching this having understood completely extinguish the intoxicants.

Kind Regards
Dhammadarsa Bhikkhu

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