From: thomaslaw03
Message: 14908
Date: 2010-08-09
--- In, Nina van Gorkom <vangorko@...> wrote:
> Dear Thomas,
> Good you ask, it is important.
> Op 4-aug-2010, om 4:34 heeft thomaslaw03 het volgende geschreven:
> > Regarding matika you mentioned below, could you explain what is
> > "matika"? Can this term also be used/presented in other Abhidhamma
> > texts?
> ------
> N: Maatikaa has been translated as table of contents, or matrix. It
> is more extensive than a table of contents. This maatikaa has been
> arranged by way of triads and dyads. It is a survey of the contents
> of the first book and can even serve as an introduction to all seven
> books. Different groups of defilements have been listed, such as the
> intoxicants (aasavas), fetters, ties, floods, yokes, hindrances.
> After the Abhidhamma matrix there is a Suttanta matrix, explaining
> sutta terms. The Atthasaalinii, the commentary to the
> Dhammasa"nganii, dedicates a whole chapter to explain the notions of
> the Maatika.
> The Maatikaa begins with: kusala dhammaa, akusala dhammaa, avyaakata
> dhammaa.
> In these three terms all that is real has been contained. In
> avyaakata dhammaa, indeterminate dhammas, are included all realities
> that are not kusala or akusala, namely: vipaakacittas, kiriyacittas,
> ruupas and nibbaana.
> The whole Tipi.taka is directed towards liberation of the cycle of
> birth and death through insight. This appears also in the Maatika,
> where we read (!013-1015): "Dhammas going to building up; going to
> pulling down; going to neither."
> The Atthasaalinii elaborates: " 'accumulation' means that which is
> accumulated by kamma and corruptions. It is a name for the processes
> of rebirth and decease. 'Leading to accumulation' are 'those causes
> which by being accomplished to go to, lead a man, in whom they arise,
> to that round of rebirth'. It is a name for co-intoxicant moral or
> immoral states. Nibbaana being free from 'cumulation', which is
> another word for 'accumulation', is called dispersion. 'Leading to
> dispersion' is 'going towards that dispersion which he has made his
> object.' It is a name for the Ariyan Paths. Or, 'leading to
> accumulation' are those states which go about severally arranging
> (births and deaths in) a round of destiny like a bricklayer who
> arranges bricks, layer by layer, in a wall.' 'Leading to dispersion'
> are those states which go about destroying that very round, like a
> man who continually removes the bricks as they are laid by the mason."
> ------
> Nina.
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]