Dear Yong Peng,

Would it not simply be "He who does not accept the wrong doing of the one
confessing (desentassa, i. e. gen.) according to the rules." It would be the
gen. pres. participles of verb deseti. That's how I read it,

Metta, Bryan

From: Ong Yong Peng <palismith@...>
Sent: Wed, July 21, 2010 3:33:54 AM
Subject: [Pali] Re: AN2.3 Baala Vagga (1 and 2)

Dear Nina,

thanks for the corrections, in particular, clarifying the function of

... yo accaya.m desentassa yathaadhamma.m nappa.tigga.nhaati.
... (he) who does not accept a confession as the rules allow.

I am still not clear about desentassa, whether it is in the genitive or dative
case, and why. If anyone can explain, thank you.

Yong Peng.

--- In, Nina van Gorkom wrote:

> Yo ca accaya.m accayato na passati, yo ca accaya.m desentassa
> yathaadhamma.m nappa.tigga.nhaati.
> (He) who does not recognise an offence from a wrongdoing, and (he)
> who does not accept a confession (made) in accordance with the rules*.

N: offence as an offence. The suffix -to can stand for an ablative. To see
something as something: the ablative stands for: as (something).

yathaadhamma: comparing PTS it belongs to nappa.tigga.nhaati: he does not, as
the rule prescribes, accept a confession.

(the accepting of a confession is prescribed by the rules. Someone confesses
with the words that he will not do this again.)

> 23. "Dveme, bhikkhave, tathaagata.m abbhaacikkhanti. Katame dve?
> Du.t.tho vaa dosantaro, saddho vaa duggahitena. Ime kho,
> bhikkhave, dve tathaagata.m abbhaacikkhantii"ti.
> --------------------------------------------------------
> Du.t.tho vaa dosantaro, saddho vaa duggahitena.
> The wicked one intending malice, or (he who become) faithful
> through incorrect understanding.

N:or the believer who has wrong understanding.

The commentary explains: someone who has saddhaa, confidence, without insight.
His faith is inadequate.The Co. states that he, for example, believes that all
the thirtytwo characteristic marks of a Great Man (mahaapurisa), of the Buddha,
are lokuttara, supramundane.

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