> > neta.m mama nesohamasmi na meso attaa'ti
> >
> > taking "etam" as acc? "That is not mine" Especially in
> > combination with the
> > genetive? Does anyone know of a combination of acc+gen in
> > this way?
> Accusative? Hardly; I don't see any subject-object relation here.
> No, I think eta.m must be nominativum neutrum, and eso nominativum
> masculinum; so the two pronouns can't point to exactly the same thing, at
> least not grammatically.
> Which I think was what the question was about.
> Gunnar

Hi Gunnar,

The context though seems to suggest that the pronouns do not point to
different things... In all instances this formular is applied it seems to be
applied equally to every item listed. What would your explanation be?


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