Dear Yeshua and friends,

as the group moderator, I have the following points to make:

1. you are welcome to ask for opinions and assistance in going about with setting up a Pali web presence. You are also welcome to announce your online group. However, please make clear about your objectives, and all your messages are subject to moderation.

2. I am not worry about a "splinter group", any group exists to serve specific purposes, especially if these are different from our group, e.g. commercially, politically, etc.

3(a) Our group does not exist to serve any particular geographical interest. We do not serve any particular sectarian interest either.

3(b) Our group does not officially endorse any other individual or group, online or otherwise. We are not affiliated to or associated with any individual or group in Brisbane or any place in Australia.

3(c) In the same manner, we are not affiliated to or associated with any individual or group in the world.

3(d)(i) As a non-exclusive online group, virtually anyone can join our group by providing a working email address, whom we call a "member". The affiliation or association of a "member" outside the group is not a matter of interest to us.

3(d)(ii) The moderator reserves the rights to ban any "member" from posting, and even to remove any "member" from the group, without any notice.

3(d)(iii) As we are using a free service provided by Yahoo! Groups, we are subject to its terms and conditions.

4. Any comments and opinions of other individuals and groups expressed by our members are not the views of the group. Individual members are responsible for their own views and opinions.

5. The views and opinions published on do not generally reflect the views and opinions of the group, and vice versa.

6. Finally, I like to say that we welcome beginners and advance Pali students alike. We do not qualify and classify our members into groups. In order for anyone to benefit from the group, especially to learn Pali, he or she has to start posting and ask questions.

Thank you.

Yong Peng.

--- In, yeshuacohen wrote:

My idea is not to create a "splinter group", but to create an atmosphere for beginners, instead.